You are shifting around like an electric eel hooked up to a nuclear reactor.
1.) Bonaparte did not have allies in that sense. No one does. That isn’t an Allied relationship, but rather complete suzerainty. Secondly, he didn’t have the bloody money, as that is one of the big reasons he lost the whole series of wars. Thirdly, he doesn’t have the advice, with or without a magic Admiral.
2.) It would behove you to stick to one standard time rather than flopping around like the aforementioned electric eel. In your first post, you talk of actions in 1799, then vault ahead to 1805. At no point you mention 1807. Even in 1807, Mohammad Ali was not an Ottoman enemy, but a loyal subject. You don’t get to make up your own facts.
3a.) At this point, you are simply making things up as you go along. There is no significant difference between the value or nature of the Louisiana Purchase territory in 1805 from 1803.
3b.) Let us imagine for a moment that he magically can conjure additional funds. You then go on to propose giving all of this to a single country, PLUS the entire French naval budget (for how many years?!), PLUS some additional proportion of the French budget?!
This is literally impossible and written in complete ignorance of the nature of how funding, spending and revenue worked in the period of the Napoleonic Wars.
What is more, it can be easily be refuted through even a modicum of research:
Google: Napoleonic France naval budget is your first result
Result 6:“ Tricolor and the Union Jack at Sea: How the French Revolution Decapitated Napoleon's Navy and Thereby Ruined His Ambitions”
8: of his earlier spending/economic issue
As I said at the beginning, you need to read up on the period, naval warfare and how things were funded.
4.) It absolutely does not back up your first point, even if we extremely charitably characterise that as not referring to somehow using the LP to fund DN, Sweden and Russia.
All of these ships were built in the 1820s and beyond, well after the fall of Boney, when Egypt was in a completely different situation. It completely contradicts your attempted point, as this was a completely different Egypt and one with Britain opposed to it…unlike post 1815.
In summary, you’ve tried the following ideas:
- Egypt changing alignment overnight and jumping into bed as a French puppet
- Denmark, Sweden and Russia all willingly becoming naval extensions of France
- Secret training bases in the Gulf of Trieste
- Training flotillas on the Caspian Sea
- Earlier, building ships on nonexistent yards on the Caspian and transporting them overland
- The ‘citizens of Napoleon’s various states travel to near the caspian to build them’
- Napoleon becoming a complete overlord of other countries including the Russian Empire simply by being ‘a more tactful guy’
- Building a new fleet that Britain is unaware of in lakes and crewing them with mercenaries or pirates
- Napoleon offering Bernadotte (not yet King of Sweden) money to effectively buy the country
All of these are beyond silly.
Stop this whole business now.
Do some research and reading.