Post by Otto Kretschmer on Feb 5, 2022 15:27:12 GMT
Make the League of Three Emperors (Germany, Russia, Austro-Hungary) last until 1914
Post by TheRomanSlayer on Apr 3, 2022 3:12:52 GMT
Find a way to prevent the breakdown of relations between Russia and Austria-Hungary, which is hard, given that the Balkans is a very sore point for them. More importantly, the issue regarding Serbia, since a good chunk of the population there was pro-Russian, but the House of Obrenovic is nominally aligned with Vienna. Perhaps a compromise where Serbia's succession results in the Montenegrin House of Petrovic-Njegos uniting Serbia and Montenegro becoming the dominant dynasty instead of the Karadjordjevic dynasty, and at the same time, Austria would be granted a free hand to annex Bosnia. In the meanwhile, Russia would have to make a lot of concessions regarding Bulgaria as well.
I was planning to write a scenario around this premise, with an 1878 PoD, which could give the Dreikaiserbund enough time to finalize their agreements and influences. The survival of the Dreikaiserbund might also have an effect come around the First Sino-Japanese War, where all of them would force the Japanese to cut down on their territorial demands. Additionally, you could expand this to a League of FOUR Emperors, if Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary find a way to cultivate a sense of friendship with Japan.